Go Holistic Health Sep 2019 ·

Heartburn : Are acid suppressing drugs the answer ? Acid in the stomach is critical to digesting food and absorbing nutrients . For example Vitamin B12, iron, calcium, magnesium, folic acid, and zinc is not absorbed unless there is enough acid in the stomach. Acid is also important for activating certain digestive enzymes as well as to kill the germs that we ingest . It is also critical in preventing bacteria from growing . Are we doing right by popping antacids and acid inhibitors like Rantac or Zintac ? Let's have a look at actually what is the problem behind heartburn ? The oesophagus or foodpipe has two muscular rings or sphincters in its wall, one at the top and one at the bottom. The lower sphincter helps to prevent reflux of acidic stomach content. In heartburn instead of too much stomach acid, the source of the problem is with the lower sphincter that separates the oesophagus from the stomach . When the sphincter valve at the end of the esophagus fails to close properly, stomach contents including stomach acid leaks back up into the esophagus, damaging the delicate esophageal lining, causing pain and irritation which is referred to as heartburn. Sphincters can malfunction for a variety of reasons : stress, infections, nutrient deficiencies and certain foods or drugs and most surprisingly from low stomach acid . 1. Nutrient deficiency . Magnesium deficiency will lead to general problem with all sphincters and cause tight , spastic muscles all over the body . When magnesium is adequate it relaxes the sphincter at the bottom of the stomach allowing food to move down. Ironically , taking acid blockers prevent magnesium absorption, creating a vicious cycle. 2. Overeating puts more pressure on lower oesophageal sphincter , as does food sensitivities ( gluten, dairy)or allergies . Alcohol, caffeine, and fats in meat products can cause it to relax and cause reflux. 3. Obesity .In obese individuals having your belly fat push up on your stomach can prevent it from emptying, triggering reflux. 4. Drugs like calcium channel blockers ( for high blood pressure) , steroids such as Prednisolone( given for arthritis ) and statins ( for lowering cholesterol ) can affect the sphincters . 5. Low stomach acid . When stomach acid is too low , the lower oesophageal sphincter fails to shut properly when stomach fills with food. Low stomach acid happens especially with age usually around 50 , but nowadays even at a younger age because of consumption of a highly processed diet , stress and excessive carbs . 6. Stress. When you’re stressed, the valve on the top relaxes and the valve on the bottom tightens up. This may result in food traveling back up your esophagus. To treat a problem we have to remove the source of problem . 1. Diet : Eating whole plant based foods like whole grains, green vegetables , legumes instead of meat and dairy and refined carbs and processed foods will help a lot . Eating healthy will help one lose weight too. 2.Finding out your personal triggershelps . For example sour foods, citrus fruits, tomato based spicy foods, black tea, green tea could be problematic and best is to avoid them for a while . 3.After eating food it's advisable not to recline, lean over or go to bed immediately . 4. Managing stress through meditation and yoga . 5.Avoiding pain killers, and changing offending drugs to ones without such side effects as heartburn. 6.Herbs like licorice soothe and heal the gut . 7.200 to 400 mg of magnesium citrate or glycinate twice a day will help the sphincters to function well. 8. In case of low stomach acid Betaine Hcl helps .Betaine hydrochloride is a compound that consists of betaine and hydrochloride and is naturally found in beets. When taken as a digestive supplement, betaine HCl (hydrochloride) promotes production of additional hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which aids digestion. It assists in the absorption of B12, calcium, magnesium, iron and proteins. It has to be taken with food . It is very important to note Betaine HCl supplementation should be avoided by people who have peptic ulcers as the oesophageal and stomach linings are inflamed. As is evident acid suppressing drugs are not the solution except as an emergency measure to ease severe discomfort for a short while. Acid blockers when given are effective in shutting down acid production in the stomach ; taking them for a long time and then stopping them creates a rebound effect and raises the acid level even higher . Patient has to then increase the doses or start taking even more powerful drugs Fancy names given to acid reflux like GERD ( Gastro oesophageal Reflux Disease ) is not going to be helped by drugs but by solving the root cause of the problem i.e. managing stress, eating right, overcoming the magnesium deficiency and some herbal therapy which won't have side effects . Dr. Sanchita Bhattacharya Holistic Health Physician and Health Coach MBBS, PGD PPreventive and Promotive Health Certificate in Evidence based Optimal Nutrition: Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health . Inbox for consultation and advise . #heartburn#acidreflux #GERD#obesity #acidsuppressingdrugs #acidity #protonpumpinhibitors