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Nehal Bhalekar
Dr Sanchita, I want to thank you for your guidance and support in my health journey.
I was having Autoimmune condition lupus ,sjogeron syndrome ,hypothyroidism , bloating and acidity.
But because of the plantbase diet ,green smothiees and oilfree diet has really helped me to loose weight also I don't have any more acidity and bloating.
My cholesterol level has come down drastically and also my TSH report came low which was 5.3 came to 2.35 level. My RO REPORT was 2++ came to 1+ within 3 months .
In this journey I specially want to thank Dr Sanchita who has helped me and given time to time guidance valuable advice .
It was a pure delight to have every appointment with as I learnt something new everything.
I highly would recommend anyone to take up this challenge of plant based diet to have a better tomorrow.
Subhra Guha
A few weeks before I was diagnosed with diabetes with sugar levels around
165 in fasting and 220 after food. I don't like taking too much allopathic
medicines to cure anything because it actually creates multiple side effects. I
decided to reverse my diabetes with natural things and then I contacted Dr
Sanchita Bhattacharya and she recommended to switch to her recommended
diet and to do proper meditation. With all her efforts, I started getting better
and after 3-4 weeks, when I tested my blood sugar again and then it was
120(PP) and 109(F). Thanks Dr Sanchita.
Pratik Das
High Cholesterol, Gut Issues.
In this fast moving life ofent we forget a saying " Health is wealth ". So here is
my story ... I am a Phd student ,working hard on my research. Most of my time
gets into research and as a result I used to carry a very unstructured and
irregular lifestyle. Problems like headache , body ache were like my all time
friends and it seemed that I had a breakup with my sleep. Frequent stomach
upset , indigestion were something which was also very common. In such
situation I tried various medications ��. But nothing worked. As a researcher I
tried to find solutions on internet and found the term holistic lifestyle. This
term remined me of a post made my aunt Dr. Sanchita Bhattacharya on FB. So I
quicky got in touch with her and explained my problem . She told me to do
some tests and alarmingly many important parameters were found very high in
my body along with many parameters very low. I was really very shocked after
my reports . So after that i went through some live one to one session with her
. She suggested me about the green smoothie and gave me guidelines to adopt
a better lifestyle Although it took some time to digest this , I nevertheless
decided to follow what she said. In the beginning it was a tough chalenge with
various discomfort like bloating. The results was also not immediate. But with
time I felt more energetic . I now completely eat food based on natural sources
and I am loving it . Green vegies and unprocessed foods are now a regular part
of my life . My problems are getting diluted day by day ... I really thank Dr.
Sanchita Bhattacharya ( Tumpa Masi ) for guiding me through out the
processes and helping me to live a healthy life. I am trying my level best to live
this life and spread this healthy culture among my friends and family.
Vasanthi Lakshmanan
My Hba1c dropped from 9 to 7.8 and bp is stable around 125/75. My
medicines have been halved and my diet has been changed to whole food
plant based during this course. My energy levels are much higher now and I
have learnt the technique of listening to my body and eat accordingly. Thank
you Sharan, thank you Dr Sanchita for the great transformation you brought in
my lifestyle and I enjoyed working with you.
Sona Sumaya
Dr Sanchita was wonderful. She is patient and explains everything very clearly.
My TSH levels tested at 7.2. Thats when I decided to consult with her. She put
me on a WFPB program. She would send me a synopsis of our meeting and
would constantly check in and followup with me. The accountability is what
helped me stay on track. After only 3 months of the program with her, I rested
my TSH and it had come back to normal levels of 2.7. I was delighted. She is
very knowledgeable and has been a great guide. Many thanks Dr Sanchita!
Dr Debashish Ganguly
Diabetes, Hypertension, Hypothyroidism.
Post Covid duty in the ICU, as a Intensivist, I had developed high blood
sugar, HbA1C was 11.3 with blood sugar random ws 320. I was
immediately put on medication, and I was thinking of quitting due to ill
health. I approached holistic Physician Dr. Sanchita because I had heard
of her diabetes reversal programme. In my mind I had given myself
seven days for her holistic Health approach to work on me. She gave me
a lifestyle plan besides a consistent follow-up which I followed religiously
with total commitment. This started showing awesome results within 7
days and my blood sugar levels got controlled and I could start reducing
my medications. I also started an excerise program of walking for 45
minutes regularly. Amazingly my blood pressure also started getting
controlled and I could stop my BP medication that was taking for last 10
years. I was able to loose 12 kgs in 2 months, HbA1C is 7.2 and my
thyroid medicines reduced to half the earlier dose. Now I am able to jog
5 kms 5 days a week. I am on one medicine now, and in next few months
I hope to be medicine free. I thank and Dr. Sanchita and appreciate her
guidance and regular follow up and her commitment for the
improvement of the health of her patients. I wish her all success so that
she can help more people to get better and lead medication free lives!!
Bhakti Thorat
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Dr Sanchita is a highly experienced Doctor. She has a holistic approach.
She understood my lifestyle and gently brought about changes in my
diet . She understood my needs and gave me many options to fulfil the
required diet.
She connected with me at an individual level and is very encouraging
and motivating.
With the changes in diet suggested my energy levels were up, my
arthritis is very well under control, reduced weight and now I am
participating in tournaments and enjoying all outdoor activites. I am
energetic throughout the day and working more efficiently.
I will continue consultations with her as she is has helped my modify my
Thank you doctor for your counselling and advice.
Ruchi Singhal
It was in April 2023, that I first consulted Dr. Sanchita. We met at a Conclave and what caught my attention was "Holistic Living!"
I had been suffering from fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, bloating, sleepless nights since long. I thought hormonal imbalance caused by menopause was the reason and that I had to live with it.
After being under Dr. Sanchita's guidance, I have managed to take care of myself without being on medications. I am a happier, healthier and a grateful person.
Dr. Sanchita is very dedicated to her work and it was her constant prodding that helped me to be at it and not give up, mid way.
I am grateful to myself for gifting holistic living to myself. You can do too! :))
Tripti Bhogal
I have diabetes for the last 12 years. I would have my meds and do the basics.
But over the years it took toll on my health. All my organs were getting
affected. Thanks to Dr Sanchita who made me understand this condition and
charted a whole plan to control my sugar levels through functional medicines,
right diet and exercises. In three months, today I have absolutely controlled
levels of sugar, something that I could not even imagine. I feel healthier. I have
lost weight. I feel fitter, younger. I would really recommend Dr Sanchita and
Holistic Health. She is an amazing doctor. And I would like to thank her again
for what she has made me achieve.
Surbhi Srivastava
At 29, I was scared by seeing those high levels of blood sugar, On a
recommendation I reached out to Dr Sanchita ,Dr Sanchita heard all my issues
patiently and under her guidance by following an incremental approach to
change lifestyle , dietary changes, discipline, These three weapons not only
helped me to bring my sugar levels down , they also brought me to the
minimalistic of medicine , under Dr Sanchita's guidance my Hba1c came down
from 9 to 6 ,at that moment I realised how change in your lifestyle effects our
body. Now that I have seen my sugar levels going down it always motivates to
maintain balanced lifestyle and live diabetes free.
I will always be thankful to Dr. Sanchita who motivated me a lot to adapt a
healthy lifestyle and diet.
Rita Batra
I love my consultant. She is very sweet smiling personality. No matter what
time you Whatsapp her she promptly responds. Her knowledge is
commendable and giving scientific reason for everything.
I feel am blessed to have such a nice consultant.
PCOD, Piles
It was really great to complete three months coaching with Dr Sanchita
Bhattacharya. I was from many lifestyle issues like suffering with PCOD
and piles as well. Due to constant working from home and office, was
ignoring my health all the time. PCOD and its symptoms like mood
swings, hairfall, obesity and lack of energy were increasing. After doing
the check-ups I could understand, actually I had many deficiencies as
well. Dr Sanchita guided and really hand held me from where I was and
helped me reverse piles, PCOD symptoms and hairfall. I feel lot of energy
and I am enjoying a complete new way of living. Thank you so much
Sharan and Dr. Sanchita. Truly grateful for your guidance.
Mohua Sengupta
DR Sanchita is an excellent Doctor, she is holistic in her approach , the
diet suggested by her has brought in immense awareness about health
in me, my BP has reduced significantly and I love it ! My dessert cravings
have reduced n I feel healthier, I was never overweight , but I did shed
off those stubborn 1-2 kgs I wanted to go off
Thank you so much Doctor!
I have consulted with Dr Sanchita for the last several months and it’s been a remarkable journey . I had high sugar levels, joint pains and low energy levels . I was very close to making a decision to go on insulin . With her guidance and support and step by step approach I was able to fix my eating habits, include more nutrition in my diet reduce cravings and feel so much lighter and more energetic through the day . Her patience to listen and understand my challenges and to give me practical advise and tips made it so much easier for me to follow her guidance and be open and transparent with her even in my cheat days . After 4 months all my parameters have significantly improved my sugars are almost normal and i feel so much better with my overall health. Highly recommend following the diet Dr Sanchita prescribes without falling intro the trap of medicines .
Meena Sachdeva
Hypertension, Neuropathy
Dr. Sanchita Bhattacharya is very nice & talented doctor. She specializes in
Lifestyle Medicine, Holistic Health, Whole Food Plant Based (aka WFPB)
nutrition. She has treated me not only as patient, but more as a family
member. I have been suffering from multiple chronic conditions like BP &
Depression & Sleep, Neuropathy for last 15+ years. I started my treatment with
her 3 months ago. With her guidance and care, I have been able to reverse my
neuropathy to an extent where I don't need to take tablets anymore. My BP
has also improved so much that I just need to take 1/4 th of the original tablet
dosage. As I continue my treatment with her, I am looking forward to further
improve my health and stop the remaining tablets and capsules, which have
very significant side effects. She is wonderful, sincere & punctual.
Kannan Gopa
Diabetes, Hypertension
Dr Sanchita has been very helpful since and has helped me go deeper in this
holistic health journey. At the moment I have not yet done away with my BP
medication but can tell you that I have come a long way in this journey, thanks
to Dr Sanchita.
In this 3 months time I have stabilized my weight and no more weight loss. Dr
Sanchita suggested weight training to improve my muscle mass and to
continue the yoga I have been doing. For the first time in all these years I
started weight training, thanks to her.
It was only due to her that we found the right B12 and Vitamin D and within a
month I got to the optimum level of Vit D and B12 too has been improving
since then. I would like to thank Dr Sanchita for her time and support in my
journey and to Sharan for helping me in this holistic journey.
Wishing Dr Sanchita holistic abundance of goodness and energy to guide more
people to this path of healthy living.
Dr. Seema Monga
Constipation, Skin & Hair Issues, Low Immunity
Dr Sanchita I had met you in October 2021. I can say that this day changed my
life . All my life I had been exploring what to eat and what to give to kids for
their immunity.
You taught me importance of whole foods plant based diet.
Now I am almost following 90 percent whole plant based diet and my kids too.
I can say that their immunity is much better with God's grace. I have not only
lost 3 to 4 kg weight in 3 months ( without much exercise) but my hair and skin
is much better. My constipation from which I was suffering since 20 years
vanished in first week of meeting you. I don’t eat Triphala anymore. I feel light
and less bloated. I am sure in long term I will experience many more benefits
with your diet. God bless you. I wish you and Sharan change lives of many
more people
Dr Shailja
I am a Paediatrician ,I have migraine since childhood and have suffered
severe headaches for years..I followed whatever people suggested to get
relief of agonizing headaches but there was no long term benefit then I
came to know my friend Dr Sanchita Bhattacharya is Holistic Health
expert ,first she took into account my dietary habits and my exercise
routine and advised in detail the benefits of plant based diet initially I
was hesitant to follow her advice as for years I was taking the foods I
loved ,she shared interesting food options ,smoothies and after few days
I started feeling better and have so many headache free days and I feel
so much healthier and energetic. Thanks dear Dr Sanchita Bhattacharya
for your excellent advice.
Megha Shyam
Dr. Sanchita is a great doctor and a polite and a very talented person, she
knows what is best for you and your body. I am 15 and I started my journey of
a healthy diet with the guidance of her 3 months ago. I had problems with my
menstrual cycle which was quite irregular and had to take medicines for the
same, but in just three months after meeting her, not only my cycle is regular
but i have also lost almost 11 kg that too without any medicines! The plant-
based diet helped me a lot and i learnt the advantages of a healthy lifestyle.
Meeting her was really a changing point of my life and i am really grateful to
her for helping me.
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