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Way to Healthy Heart

Writer's picture: Sanchita BhattacharyaSanchita Bhattacharya

Updated: Aug 27, 2022

WAY TO A HEALTHY HEART . The heart is the most vital organ of our body and perhaps the most beautiful because we love with our hearts. Preventing heart disease depends largely on our lifestyle ; Nutrition, fitness , stress management abilities and love and support with good social connections help to heal our heart , body and soul. In evaluating our risk of developing heart disease , doctors will look at our age, family history, blood pressure, cholesterol levels , triglyceride levels, smoking habits, diabetes or other metabolic disorders. However certain factors like stress and emotions play a very major role in our physical health especially our heart health . Studies have shown anger increases the risk of heart attack by 230 percent as also loneliness and isolation. For preventing or reversing heart disease, it's important to look into 1. Nutrition The most famous program using diet and lifestyle changes to tackle cholesterol and reverse heart disease was developed by Dr. Dean Ornish , MD at The Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California . Dr. Ornish used a vegetarian diet in the program of healthy lifestyle changes . The plant based diets works not only for heart disease but also for reversal of diabetes . Some foods that are especially important in heart disease , for their special effects are • Oats, legumes, beans and barley –they contain soluble fiber that reduces cholesterol level. • Almonds and walnuts –They are high in fats but they have an ability to lower cholesterol that has not been fully explained . • Fruits and vegetables –they are cholesterol free and very low in fat and rich in phytonutrients : and their beta carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E can actually reduce the damaging effects of cholesterol by reversing free radical damage . A diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides potassium which helps in lowering blood pressure . Celery is especially beneficial in lowering blood pressure because of a chemical present in it called 3-n butylpthalide which also gives celery its aroma . Indian gooseberry is another effective remedy for blood pressure . • Garlic and onions are also very beneficial in lowering blood pressure and serum cholesterol and inhibiting platelet aggression. Regular use of garlic can even reverse the damage to arteries and help heal them. Garlic has 15 different antioxidants that neutralize artery destroying agents . Alongside a plant based diet , one has to avoid refined carbohydrates like white breads and white pasta , caffeine, alcohol , fried foods , saturated fats such as butter, cream, ghee , animal fat , margarine and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils found in processed and restaurant foods . A plant based diet often takes away the need for any medication 2. Supplements and Herbs that help in Heart health There are so many vitamins, minerals and botanicals to lower cholesterol that drugs are virtually never a necessity . To raise HDL i.e the good cholesterol , there is Magnesium, Vitamin C, Chromium, and Vitamin E , and Omega 3 . Calcium reduced LDL cholesterol by 4.4% in one study. Calcium also helps to lower blood pressure in certain cases. There are botanicals like gugulipids ( shown to reduce serum cholesterol by more than 20% without producing any significant adverse effects ) , garlic oil, ginger, fenugreek powder, silymarin, turmeric which help to reduce total cholesterol Antioxidants like Vitamin C and E ,selenium and carotenoids help minimize adverse effects of elevated serum cholesterol by preventing its conversion to dangerous cholesterol oxides . Magnesium requires a special mention as it is important for all cardiovascular problems , including hypertension. It dilates blood vessels , which helps to lower blood pressure . It helps regulate blood fats , helps prevent and correct heart rhythm disorders , prevents sudden cardiac death . Coenzyme Q10 and Omega 3 also help to lower blood pressure . However Coenzyme Q10 often requires 4 to 12 weeks to have effect. 3. Smoking – Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor not only for cardiovascular disease but also for several kinds of cancer . It damages blood vessels leading to heart disease. Quitting smoking is the best option . 4. Fitness and exercise – Many studies have shown that physically active people were half as likely to suffer from heart attacks as those who were sedentary. Both vigorous exercises like running , swimming, cycling, weight training as well as mere walking are associated with reduced risk of heart disease. 5. Emotional Health and Stress management through Yoga and meditation. Emotional stress can cause a cascade of physical effects , including the release of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline , which narrow arteries and increase blood pressure . Yoga helps lower blood pressure, blood glucose , blood cholesterol as well as heart rate , making it a useful lifestyle intervention. Yoga is unique because it incorporates physical activity , breathing and meditation . It helps one feel calmer and more balanced and centred. 6. Social connections. Social connections are important to our well being and heart health. It prevents loneliness, isolation and depression which as mentioned above predisposes us to heart disease. Social connections helps to provide us with a sense of belonging , purpose, happiness and contentment and makes us capable to cope with daily stresses of life . To conclude heart disease can be reversed using the above guidelines of eating the right kind of foods, supplementing wherever necessary with high quality supplements and herbs, following an exercise and relaxation routine and maintaining meaningful social connections throughout life . Dr. Sanchita Bhattacharya Holistic Health Physician Holistic Health Coach at Centre for Integrative And Functional Medicine CR Park, New Delhi. #hearthealth #prevention #cholesterol #hyperlipidemia #holistichearthealth #wellness #nutritionforhearthealth #diet #vegandiet #lifestylemedicine

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