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COVID-19 has brought back the focus on health and its importance in our professional and personal lives, and so, this book is timely and important for everyone. .In the era of high-octane marketing, the real message gets lost in the noise, making it difficult to distinguish between healthy and the helpful. The book fills the void and packs an incredible amount of useful and evidence-based information to make healthier choices. It links natural choices to holistic health in a convincing manner. The language is crisp, clear, and understandable for an ordinary layperson, making it an interesting read. If you start reading this book, you will keep it down only after you have finished it. Right from explaining inflammation to diabetes in a non-jargonized medical language, to dwelling upon the binaural beats for meditation, the author has shown her skill at using the knowledge, expertise and mastery of language for holistic health. I am sure this compilation has taken enormous efforts to pack so much of useful information, and laced with success stories, this book will help you make healthier choices every hour, every day leading to holistic health. As the old adage goes ‘Prepare and prevent is better than repair and repent.’ Please read this book, highlight the texts that you want to implement, and follow it in totality. I am sure you will be happy, healthy and wealthy. Also, please read this book, share and gift it ahead and spread the message. Rarely such books are written! Dr. Sanchita, I applaud you for writing this important book, and I am sure it will help make this world healthier. Health is Cheap. Healthcare is expensive. Stay Positive. Test Negative and be Healthy.


Prof. Rajendra Pratap Gupta, President-Disease Management
Association of India (DMAI), Former Advisor Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. Chairman-Drafting Committee for Digital Health Standards, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH), Quality Council Of India (QCI), Member- Guidelines Development Group (Digital Health) -WHO

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